Excellent Ways to Make Your Small Space Feel Bigger ...

By Menahil

Excellent Ways to Make Your Small Space Feel Bigger ...

Looking for ways to make a small room look bigger? Living in a smaller space does not mean you need to compromise on having a beautiful home. However, it can be easy to make your space look crowded by putting in too much stuff. Read on for some simple ways to make a small room look bigger.

1 Lighting

Lighting up your space is a simple way to make it feel brighter and bigger. Allow as much natural light to enter your room as possible and use bright and warm artificial lighting to keep your room well lit. This is probably one of the best ways to make a small room look bigger, but keep reading for more.

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2 Windows

Keeping windows bare lets in more light and adds spaciousness to a room. If you would rather keep your windows covered, go for lighter curtains in terms of colours and materials, such as chiffon or lace.

3 Paint Colours

Paint colours play an integral role in opening up a space. Dark colours draw the eye inward whereas light and neutral shades tend to make the room look wider and airy. Sticking to beige, whites, off-whites and light grey can be a good option for a smaller room.

4 Add Mirrors

Not only are mirrors a great design element, placing mirrors in the right position can make the room look much bigger. Look for a focal point and angle the mirror so that it creates a look of depth. Due to their reflective quality, mirrors also reflect light to make a room feel larger.

5 Utilise Wall Space

Placing shelves and artwork at the top of the walls takes one’s eye upward, creating an elongating effect. Wall shelves may be necessary for some spaces to provide storage, therefore utilising them to add both design and positioning them this way in a room can be a good idea.

6 Lighter Colours

One of the most important factors that creates a first impression in the room is colours. Stick to an overall lighter colour palette to keep the feel of the room bright. Lighter furniture such as whites and light wood are preferable. Other than just furniture, bedding, fabrics, pieces of decoration and artwork can all contribute toward creating a light colour palette. This does not mean that you have to stay away from incorporating bright and dark colours. However, using one statement furniture piece and other lighter shades is a good decorating tip.

7 Be Mindful of Furniture Arrangement

One of the biggest decorating challenges people face is deciding the layout of their space. Generally, larger furniture pieces placed against the wall and along the longer side of the room can create an illusion of longer space. Avoid pushing all your furniture pieces against the wall and leave floor space to allow room to walk. This is because the main feature of a large room is to be spacious enough for people to move freely.

8 Pick Your Furniture Pieces Wisely

Make use of multipurpose furniture with hidden additional storage that will allow for maximum utilisation and reduce the clutter and storage issues that are faced when living in smaller places. Also, try to pick pieces of furniture that are absolutely necessary because you do not want to make the room look stuffed. Another tip is raised furniture because it allows for more air space and gives a spacious feel.

These are just tips to keep in mind when designing your room but in the end, your room should represent you. Be mindful of keeping your room minimal and staying true to your style sense to create a space you will love.

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